Friday, June 1, 2012

IKEA SY Sewing Machine!

My new machine from IKEA! a gift from my sweet daughter for Mom's Day. All I did was mention it, and it was mine (I do love her a lot...).

I am super fortunate because IKEA is 8 miles from my house. But I almost did not find the machine. No one I asked knew anything about it. Heart flutter. So I wandered through likely places, you know, aisles with textiles on them. At last, back behind all the kitchen linens and curtains, almost to the rugs - a short aisle of fabric bolts and 6 feet of shelf space with boxes of cotton thread, zippered sewing kits, and on the bottom, 3 smallish boxes. I almost missed them!

Thrilled. Only stopped for cookies in the market on my way out (if ever you can, try IKEA's cookies, oh my...).

This iconic white/yellow/blue machine was designed by Henrik Preutz. It is made of ABS plastic with an aluminum frame and various metals in its parts, similar to my Brother. A few stats:
  • Price $59.99
  • Width: 11 3/4"    
  • Height: 7 1/8"
  • Length: 14 5/8"  
  • Weight: 13 lbs.

  • Seam ripper
  • Straight stitch, zipper, buttonhole feet
  • 2 Thread spool felts
  • Lint brush
  • 4 Needles
  • 6 Bobbins
  • Additional spool pin
  • Screw driver tool
  • Combo control foot and power cord
I am ridiculously happy about the generous number of needles and bobbins. More than I have ever received with a machine. 

Side view...the hand wheel is conventional for non-computerized machines. It is pulled out to fill a bobbin, pushed back to re-engage gears for sewing. The two spool pins are visible here as well. I chose mine randomly. On the front is a view of the reverse stitch lever.

And a very nicely wound bobbin, easy peasy to do, very even tension.

The storage compartment slides off to provide for free-arm sewing and access to the bobbin case.

And it's a great bobbin case area. I mean it! It's fully accessible and well-lit by my IKEA bendable lamp. The bobbin case itself is standard and accepts most (not all) bobbins.
Also, take a peek at the metal throat plate. It is scribed in front in metric and in back in inches! Wish my other machine had this. My Brother combines the two behind the pressure foot - a lot of lines.

A view of the thread cutter, shank screw, foot release lever, and the dogs. Now to sew...

I'll comment first so you can look: the machine has 13 stitches, including straight, zigzag, decorative, and blind hem stitch variations.  (Blind stitch is not on my sample - oops). Not a purring machine, but not a jackhammer either. It has a steady feed, sews very evenly, and the control foot feels just like my others. It is very sturdy and does not budge - at 13 lbs. it is not going anywhere! but to add to that, the rubber feet are good size and quality.

Here's a front view. (The straight stitch is very good. Just not straight, which is my not being used to the machine!)

And here is the view I hold my breath over - the back view, the one that tells me whether the tension dial is working! Nothing ruins a machine for me faster than poor tension - I tossed a Singer over this issue. I used a lighter thread in the bobbin so that I could really see how the tension behaved - it got very good marks!

IKEA provides a very well-written manual with pictures that are large enough that one can actually see the part being discussed! And a separate folder on oiling and cleaning the machine, which I think is very thoughtful. Generic oiling on a non-sealed machine without directions makes me nervous! but it has to be done.

So that is the new IKEA sewing machine. I am excited to have it. I now have a backup and can sleep at night knowing a breakdown will not keep me away from my favorite activity. And my daughter is thrilled because I have a machine that can go with when I visit her.

I don't normally name my machines, but will share that this one has been called Priss since I picked up the box in the store. Good lines...

Edited with a little update, October, 2014: So many of you have gotten this machine! How wonderful, I continue to enjoy mine.  And I've gotten so many requests and inquiries for an English version of the User Manual. Regrets - but the Manual is under copyright, I simply cannot scan it and distribute it. I can only refer you to IKEA for help. I also have had questions about presser feet and bobbins. Well, I can tell you what works for me - I use low shank snap-on presser feet and Singer Class 15 plastic bobbins.
Happy sewing! Coco


  1. Oh Lyd, you are having so much, sew
    happy for you!!!
    xoxo Lj

  2. Thanks for putting this review together. I want to teach myself to sew and need a sewing machine that's both affordable and easy to use.

    1. Hi Hannah. How exciting! I think this is a great machine to start on - won't blow your mind or wallet. Hope to hear how you get along - happy sewing! Coco

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for the review :)

    It's good for the beginners.
    Interesting how much will it cost in Moscow, cuz almost all our Ikea prices are twice higher!

    1. Hi! How nice to hear from you, I enjoyed reading your blog! And other blogs that your read. I don't read Russian, but I did OK :-) You're right, it is a great beginner machine. And very cheerful!

  5. I want one, I want one. WHY does the nearest IKEA have to be 6 hours away?

    I'm trying to figure out if any of my friends in the Minneapolis area love me enough to attempt to find it.

    1. What a true test of friendship! Hope someone comes through for you :-) I know that 'want one' feeling, it's how I felt as well. Was actually nervous when I went in to buy it, so afraid it would be gone! Hope IKEA starts selling this from the catalog soon.

    2. Hi again! Like magic - the sewing machine is available from the new 2013 catalog, $69.99!! You can get one now!

  6. Replies
    1. You are so welcome, Francesca! And I loved reading Petit Faon!

  7. Just found this today with the same excitement as well :) I am pleased with its performance as well happy sewing !

    1. How wonderful! and happy sewing to you too, Michele!

  8. Thank you so much for your excellent review, I think I'll be buying one this Christmas for my sixteen year old daughter, she"s been wanting one for a long time. We have an old 70's Singer machine that needs repairs, and didn't feel like going through the hassle, since I don't really sew. She doesn't even know Ikea has sewing machines, so I'll keep it a secret so she can really be surprised. :-) Thanks again for taking the time to post your review

    1. How exciting! Good mom :-) another xmas hint...the soft-sided market tote by reisenthel from the Container Store...the machine fits inside perfectly with room to tuck in foot control, supplies, so on, if she ever wants to carry with. I love mine. Cute too...big polka dots...Happy sewing to you both!

  9. Thanks for that sounds perfect, I'll be looking into it right away. :-)

  10. Thanks so much for this review- just what I need to hear about this machine!

    1. So welcome! I just returned from a few days with my daughter, took my IKEA SY with me and finished the hems and fit details on a couple knit maxi dresses for her. Worked great! If you get one, hope you enjoy it.

  11. I saw this the other night and hesitated, IKEA makes a SEWING MACHINE??? thanks for the review, now I'm praying they have some left when I return! my older model brother cost $135 to have fixed, then broke again, I can buy two of these for that price! thanks too for the tension review and photos! I too hate when the tension goes off...bugs me no end! back to sewing! YAY

  12. Wow! That's great. I just had my new sewing machine too. Happy sewing everyone! :)

  13. I appreciate the review especially from an experienced sewer. I too just purchased the Ikea machine and am a beginner. The last time I sewed was junior high school (many decades ago) but I surprised myself and remembered the basics. I practiced on scrap material for a few days and used different colored thread in the bobbin so I could see what was going on. I then cut and hemmed two Ikea curtains and they look perfectly fine. My stitch lines were a bit wobbly but it takes practice to sew a straight line. (No one will get down on the floor to look at my hem stitch.) I took time to measure, iron and pin so at least the bottom of the curtain is straight and just barely skims the floor *ha* My sister is very experienced with $$$ machine and serger but we live 2000 miles apart so can't help me out. I like having something around to make those simple repairs. Maybe I'll try simple things like pillow cases. It's actually kind of fun (and helps me learn patience which I'm short of). I even picked up a few simple sewing books.

    1. Hi Deborah! What a nice story, thank you for sharing. Sounds like you are well on your way. I love handmade pillow slips! a great way to use leftover fabric and add interest to your life :-) happy sewing! Coco

  14. Thanks for your review! I'm in Paris (YES!) until next June, and decided I cannot be without a sewing machine. I'm making little dresses ( every day, and although there isn't must sewing, I really miss my machines. I had seen this machine at Ikea a couple of weeks ago, and now I'm going back this Saturday. Luckily, I've already bought some fabric, and have several projects in mind---as well as my daily dresses! Thanks again. I'm happier already, knowing there is a reasonably priced machine.

  15. Hi Coco,

    I just got this exact machine and I have been searching the internet for instructions. I used the book it came with and set it up but the need and the bobbin area are a bit tricky. The thread gets tangled inside and just freezes. Did you have any trouble with the first stitches? I hope to sew something soon.

    Nice website.


  16. Hi I like to know if you can sew heavy thick fabrics like jeans?

    1. Hi Claudia. I have not sewn denim with it, but another blogger tested a lot of different fabrics. Take a look at the review by IKAT Bag...

  17. have you had any problems with this machine i find that mine stops and starts alot and that the treads loop underneathe i have tried everything but nothing seems to work

    ps i am not bad mouthin the machine just want to no if anyone else i having the same problem x

    1. Hi Hannah. What you describe is usually caused by threading the machine incorrectly. I'm referring to the upper thread coming from your spool. (Not the bobbin thread.) Two people have written me with similar problems, which were solved when they very carefully re-threaded their machines. In general, if you get a tangle in the bobbin area or under the feet, it's caused by the upper thread. And the tangle can stop the machine. Hope this helps! Coco

  18. I have this machine and I need bobbins. Does anyone know what brand & size bobbins fix this machine? Does Ikea sell them?

  19. Hi there. I'm new to all this and looking for a cheap but useful sewing machine. My wife wants to do some light craft and home stuff,I though get stuck with relating seams and hemming our boys school uniforms. Is the blind stitch suitable for hemming trouser/pants legs?

    Thanks for the review, I have looked at a couple for this machine and yours was the clearest I have read as I have no understanding of sewing at all.

  20. I bought an Ikea machine at the beginning of last year. It was my first machine ever & introduced me to sewing. As my skill levels have increased I have upgraded machines twice but my little Ikea is still my favourite and I use him for simpler projects in preference to the fancier machines everytime. He is also the most reliable of my machines, and probably still the hardest working. I totally love him!!!

  21. Hi
    I just bought one of these for my 12 year old daughter for her birthday. Unbelievably good value at £45 (UK pounds). She is thrilled with it - and has made about 5 bags and 2 mini cushions already. I tried it and was amazed at how easy it was to use. The tension is excellent and it worked its way through thin poly cotton and 2 layers of fleecy material with equal ease. It's zigzag stitching was even and was just as good as my more expensive Janome.
    Really impressed so far - thank you for your review and being as enthusiastic about it as I am.

    1. Hi. This has helped me a lot but do you know if this comes with a blind hem foot or a blind hem stitch symbol on it. If not, do you know how you could see a blind hem on the machine.

  22. Does anyone know if this can be used to hem jeans?


  24. I know this sewing machine because i have it. One of my birthday a friend of mine gifted this amazing General sewing machine

  25. I'm very new to sewing. Is it possible to do serging with the Sy machine? Or an 4 thread overlock stitch? Or is this something that only a specialized machine can do? Thank you.

  26. Hi. This has helped me a lot but do you know if this comes with a blind hem foot or a blind hem stitch symbol on it. If not, do you know how you could see a blind hem on the machine.

    1. Hi Han. I apologize not to have replied - Blogger didn't let me know I had a new comment here! the machine does not include a blind hem foot, but you can buy one online, or maybe borrow one from a friend.

  27. I cannot get the tension correct on any fabric. Tried all the numbers on the tension wheel and tightened and loosened the bobbin strew. Nothing works. Other than that it is great...ha

    1. Gosh, Janet. What a shame. couple thoughts:

      I wouldn't mess with the bobbin screw - it seldom needs adjustment. In 50 years of sewing, I've adjusted that screw only 1 time.

      Be sure to thread the machine with the pressure foot raised.

      You can try running a piece of floss through the tension disk/track, in case something is lodged in there.

      And just one more thing: you might be threading it incorrectly. I know that sounds off the wall, but it happens, particularly with a new machine, and the result is similar to what you describe, or sometimes thread nests under the fabric.

      And if nothing helps, perhaps you should return and/or exchange it. I hope your problem gets resolved.

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  29. Hi! I know it's long after you posted, but I have a question for you.
    A friend of mine gave me her Ikea sewing machine, but it's missing the foot. I was wondering if you know which Brother or Singer footing could be used...or if I have to give up the idea of using the machine. Thanks. I hope you see my request.

    1. ...just saw your comment, after I posted nearly same question. Any luck?

  30. Your post was so useful for me. thank you... for more interesting tailoring machines and more

  31. A legit request: I scored one of these machines in a thrift store, but i did not have the power cord/foot controller. Have searched, but cannot find the to-machine plug, which is afaik unique to this machine.

    If anyone can check the controller they have (even pics?) for some model # or other identifiers, may be helpful.


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  36. Which brother machine do you think this resembles? Thank you..

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  38. This comment has been removed by the author.


I love it that you came by...and thank you for your comments! Coco