And we come to the end of Jungle January...
I picked up loads of animal print fabrics over the year 2015, and I still haven't sewn all of them. Here are a couple things that I did finish, both in patterns I've blogged before.
What would the month be without a version of my TNT Jalie Cocoon cardigan. Love this thing.
It's a snakeskin print - a Maggy London jacquard double knit from Fabric Mart. Nice. I've been watching for more of this fabric. It's smooth like a ponte de roma, just a little heftier. And a breeze to sew in this pattern.
I was cruising QVC recently, looking at cardigans for ideas, and found this one from Halston for $65, and identical to the Jalie version. Which means I have $325 worth of cardigans in my closet...
More bottoms, this time in McCalls 6291 elastic-waist cargo pants. Another favorite that I've used to make both pants and shorts.

This crazy stretch denim is also from Fabric Mart, and it's one of the strangest fabrics I've sewn. The blue spots feel almost rubbery, kind of like puffy fabric paint (yes, I used a bunch of it when I was on my painted tee shirt journey).
I tested it with the iron, and decided not to push it! I didn't want blue goo all over my iron sole plate, so I used a calico pressing cloth.
On this pair I used one cargo pocket, no flap, but buttoned down, on each lower leg. I know they're lost in this print, but they're cute in real life. I also added 5 belt carriers, and then decided not to use them. The fabric is a little heavy with all those blue things, and the carriers made the waistband very stiff. My seam ripper got a real workout removing the waistband and carriers, I probably need a new ripper now.
The black slouchy turtleneck I'm wearing is Kwik Sew 4069. Andrea, this is for you :-) and thank you for pointing out that black is a good color for me! I've enjoyed this top.
The pattern is very simple and has two collar variations, folded or standing turtle. A caution: measure your neck, try on the collar, and modify it as needed, before you sew it on. I took 3.5" off the width of my standing collar for an almost-snug fit.
Thanks again, Anne, for a fun January. And I'm off to watch the replay of the Australian Open women's final...great stuff.
Ciao! Coco